Adopted 2040 MTP
The MPO has adopted the 2040 MTP and the related Air Quality analysis.
The Capital Area MPO (CAMPO) has released the full report for the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (2040 MTP) and the related Air Quality Analysis and Conformity Determination report (AQ Conformity) for public comment. The TAC approved the key components of the 2040 MTP, such as the roadway and transit projects and the financial plan, at their December 2012 meeting. The MPO’s Executive Board, the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC), is the ultimate decision-making body on MPO plans. The 2040 MTP full report provides a review of how the plan was developed and complies with federal requirements related to the environment, air quality and socio-economic factors. The AQ Conformity report demonstrates that the air pollutant emissions from the transportation sector represented in the 2040 MTP will not exceed established maximums.
These are joint reports for CAMPO and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO (DCHC MPO), which provides transportation planning for the Triangle area. Together, the two MPOs provide the bulk of long-range transportation planning for the Triangle Region.
The reports, maps and project tables can be found at the following links.
Chp. 1 - Table of Contents and Executive Summary (5.26 KB)
Chp. 2 - What is the Plan? (369 KB)
Chp. 3 - About Our Home (764 KB)
Chp. 4 - Our Vision and How We Will Achieve It (201 KB)
Chp. 5 - How We Developed Our Plan (1.19 KB)
Chp. 6 - Analyzing Our Choices (2 MB)
Chp. 7 - Our Metropolitan Transportation Plan (6.91 KB)
Chp. 8 - Our Financial Plan (333 KB)
Chp. 9 - Critical Factors in the Planning Process (1.46 MB)
Highway Projects Map (3.54 MB)
*Updated Highway Projects Map (6 MB) (Amended October 2015)
Transit Project Maps (4.57 MB)
On-Road Bicycle Facilities Map (3.52 MB)
Off-Road Bicycle Facilities Map (3.05 MB)
Project Lists
Table of Highway Projects (516 KB)
*Updated Table of Highway Projects (259 KB) (Amended October 2015)
Table of Transit Projects (1.34 MB)
2040 MTP and 2012-2018 TIP Conformity Report (370 KB)
Environmental Maps
The 2040 MTP report provides maps that show the location of roadway projects and environmental resources. However, the scale of those summary maps is not made for detailed review. A poster-sized copy of those maps is provided below that permit the user to zoom in on the roadway projects and environmental features. Please see the NC One Map Web site, the data source for these maps, for information on the legends and data.
Wetlands and Floodplains (11 MB)
Water Resources (2 MB)
Water Supply (2 MB)
Biodiversity (25 MB)
Gamelands, Hunting Buffers and Smoke (3 MB)
Farmlands (5 MB)
Forests (12 MB)
Hazards (1 MB)
Historic Sites (2 MB)
Parks and Recreation (22 MB)
Developed Areas (2 MB)
2040 MTP SE Data