Wake Transit Concurrence Process

 Concurrence  Process Overview                             Practitioner's Guide

WHAT IS THE WAKE TRANSIT CONCURRENCE PROCESS? Major capital projects that are funded through the Wake County Transit Plan are complex, regionally significant, typically involve multiple jurisdictions, involve significant investment, and their planning, design, and construction phases are expected to span several years.

The Wake Transit Concurrence Process was designed to streamline verification of compliance among the broad variety of agencies that have oversight of or bear some other responsibility in regulated resources or other interests that may be impacted by a proposed project. Examples of potentially impacted regulated resources may include land use, existing transportation facilities, historic and cultural resources, wetlands and endangered species, etc. 

THE CONCURRENCE PLAN? The development of a project's concurrence plan is led by the Project Sponsor with the participation of the agencies identified to have regulated resources or interests that could be impacted by the project. Together, a sequential and cumulative list of project milestones is developed that correspond to specific concurrence points (CP) to be addressed throughout the project planning, development, design, and construction phases of a project. Although certain core milestones will be repeated from project to project, there is ample flexibility for the plans to reflect the specific needs and priorities of each proposed project. Sample CPs include:

Concurrence Point 1: Purpose and Need
Concurrence Point 2: Identify Alternatives to Carry Forward for Further Study
Concurrence Point 3: Alternatives Screening/Elimination
Concurrence Point 4: Avoidance and Environmental Minimization
Concurrence Point 5: Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) Recommendation
Concurrence Point 6: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Assessment
Concurrence Point 7: Least Environmentally Damaging Preferred Alternative (LEDPA) Recommendation
Concurrence Point 8: Additional Federal Process Decisions
Concurrence Point 9: Agreement for Additional Decision Points
Further Decision Points: Added as Needed

Concurrence Process Documents:

Downtown Cary Multimodal Transit Facility

New Bern Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Project

Wake BRT: Western Corridor

Wake BRT: Southern Corridor