Complete Streets

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Complete Streets are roadways designed for all travelers, allowing quality access to highways, transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities. In other words, providing equitable access for all travelers to all modes.

CAMPO Executive Board - August 2020

In August of 2020, the CAMPO Executive Board adopted a Resolution Confirming CAMPO's Support for Complete Streets confirming CAMPO's support for Complete Streets in MPO activities.  

CAMPO Executive Board - June 2019

In June of 2019, the CAMPO Executive Board adopted a Complete Streets Resolution encouraging the NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to implement complete street design in as many projects as feasible, especially as part of highway projects.

NCDOT Board of Transportation - August 2019  

In August of 2019, the NCDOT Board of Transportation also passed a Complete Streets Policy, and subsequent implementation guide, to enable the inclusion of complete street elements such as sidewalks and bicycle facilities in roadway projects.

Hillsborough St., Raleigh, N.C.
Hillsborough Street in Raleigh, N.C.